Heyyyy Angela! How’s it going? ^-^
Hey! It’s all good! Just got back from soccer practice XD
Soccer practice? That’s cool! How’s it going?
Oh my gawddd, it’s going so well! I scored three goals last game hehe
Damn, that’s amazing! You must be killing it out there XD
LOL, I’m trying my best! I’m hoping to make the school team this year ^-^
That’s impressive! You got this, I totally believe in you!
Thanks! I’m just really passionate about soccer, you know? It’s my dream to play in college someday!
I feel you! Soccer’s not really my thing, but I have coding!
That’s cool! What kind of stuff have you been working on lately?
Mostly websites and stuff! I’m trying to teach myself more HTML and CSS so I can make my website even better haha!
That’s so awesome! You should totally make a website for my soccer team! We could use one to post our game schedules and stuff.
That’s a great idea! I’d love to help you out with that ^-^
Yesss, that would be amazing! I would make one myself but i dont think im skilled enough yet XD
No problemo, I’m happy to help! So, how’s the weather over in Jersey? It’s been pretty dry here in New Mexico lately.
It’s been pretty nice, actually! Starting to warm up a bit now that it’s March. How about you? How’s the desert treating ya? XD
It’s been pretty chill! Still a bit cold at night, but nothing too crazy haha. I do miss seeing more animals though!
Oh man, that sounds really fun, i don't know anything about the types of animals they would have in new mexico.
wow, really? You gotta come visit me then! I’ll be sure to point out all the wildlife, and we can code together too! XD
Haha, that sounds like a plan! I’d love to see New Mexico and hang out with you!
Heck yeah, it’ll be a blast! Alright, well I gotta get going now, but hit me up anytime you wanna talk soccer or coding or anything else! XD
For sure! Thanks again Toby, you’re the best! :D